Lindsey H. Martin

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  1. SOL Commercial: Ratchet — 53 comments
  2. SOL Commercial: Balloons — 51 comments
  3. SOL Commercial: SOL Cowboy — 47 comments
  4. SOL Commercial: Math havoc — 45 comments
  5. SOL Commercial: Study Hard Anthem — 26 comments

Author's posts

Column: Privacy not secure with social media

Something no one can completely have. Something unrealistic, unimaginable; something falsified in our rights as Americans. You may think the information you are setting as “private” isn’t seen by anyone but you, but unfortunately that just isn’t true.

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Column: FOCUS keeps students on positive path

FOCUS is the new name for a restructured AIP, and it means exactly what its letters stand for: Firm Organized Character Modification Training to Gain Unlimited Success. The program targets academic areas for tutoring and has specific goals unlike the AIP of old.

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Editorial: Cell phone policy changes

As soon as the bell rings to change classes, Henrico County students do the one thing they have been dying to do for the past hour-and-a-half: check their cell phones.

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Freshmen builds shampoo business

She returned home from middle school in tears more times than she can remember after being teased and bullied about her hair, her weight and her height.

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Coach leaves lasting legacy

He is the namesake of the basketball court, a Varina Hall of Famer and the subject of one of five portraits hanging in the cafeteria.

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