Editorial: Dell laptops well received

After Henrico County Public Schools signed a contract with Dell computers, all middle and high school students and teachers received new laptops. The laptops are an improvement from the previous model.

The county’s four-year contract with Dell ended last year. After exploring its options, HCPS ordered 23,000 Dell laptops for $17.6 million, which made it the largest order of computers by a school district. Computers will continue to cost around $4.4 million per year; however, school officials said extending the previous contract would have cost more.

It is true that the school system had to cut costs in other places in order to purchase the computers, but students are benefiting from better technology.

A survey of 100 students shows that 90 percent of students prefer the new computers, which are smaller, lighter and faster with a solid hard drive and a new backup system connected to the school server through Desktop Sync. Deskstop Sync saves anything on the desktop so that it can be recovered if lost. Previously it was common for laptops to crash. Now there is a lower risk for lost student work.

The computers have an extended battery lasting up to 12 hours without charge. Students no longer need to bring their laptop charger to school if they recharge overnight. A new staff wireless for accessing programs replaces the use of Ethernet.

Technology is deeply rooted in Henrico’s educational process. Henrico County’s research shows the use of technology and incorporating visual and collaborative teaching practices promote learning. Henrico is one of the few counties in Virginia to provide laptops for every middle and high school student and teacher. Henrico believes in demonstrating a paradigm for teaching and learning that is suitable for the 21st century. Teachers and students use the highest level of technology to gain a wide variety of learning tools and resources.

HCPS has invested in their students by supplying them with the best materials for effective learning.


Permanent link to this article: https://blogs.henrico.k12.va.us/bluedevilsadvocate/2013/11/19/editorial-dell-laptops-well-received/

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