Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, faced a shooting that shocked the nation on December 14, 2012.
Twenty elementary students and six of their teachers were gunned down in their school. Following the devastating shooting, school systems across the country are taking a hard look at school safety.
Henrico County Public Schools feels its school security is one of the best in the nation, so parents should feel confident about sending their children to schools like Varina. Henrico’s safety policy and procedures are extensive. Varina administrators are constantly preparing the entire student body for an emergency by conducting fire drills and practicing lockdowns. Yet, a survey of 50 Varina students shows 70 percent believe school security could be improved.
When rumors of threats to our school occurred before winter break, the administration took charge. They called parents to inform them of the rumored threat and explained how they planned to implement a no pass policy.
Henrico County Public Schools has not changed any policies in response to the Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy; however, school officials held a safety meeting at Hermitage High School in January. During the meeting, the School Board and Henrico County Police allowed parents and community members to ask questions and make suggestions about security policies.
Unfortunately, no school is completely safe from the dangers of the world, but Henrico County students should feel reassured that officials are doing the very best to ensure the maximum security of the school.
Students must do their part to ensure safety and security on campus: always remain vigilant and use Silence Hurts as a tool to report any safety related issues on campus.
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