Greg Wittwer patrols for students on a bike outside the auditorium. Mr. Wittwer typically rides 10 to 12 miles during his fourth block duty assignment.
by Mikaela Smith
Skipping is a tactic as old as school itself, but the supervision of students on a campus-style school sometimes takes a new approach. This year, three members of the Dream Team patrol the campus on bicycles.
The Dream Team is a group of teachers who supervise campus during their duty period. County mathematics specialist Skip Tyler formed the group in 2008 when he taught algebra at Varina.
Health and physical education teacher Greg Wittwer was the first Dream Team member to spend his duty period pedaling rather than walking around campus. Mr.Wittwer said that supervision by bike is more efficient, and besides, it’s his favorite pastime.
“One of the reasons I started riding the bike was one of the first times I was doing Dream Team, I was walking the hallways and a few students, who were skipping, got away from me,” Mr. Wittwer said.
Social Studies teachers Larry Roberson and Patrick Lacy patrol together on bikes during first block in good weather.
“I jokingly like to call the Dream Team ‘Teachers on Patrol’ or TOPs as opposed to cops,” Mr. Lacy said.
The Dream Team, whether on foot or on bikes, has improved campus security, and the administration no longer has to interrupt their office work to deal with students skipping class.
“With the two people always walking around, not only has it helped us respond to situations where there might be students that are disrupting classes,” Mr. Cody Streightiff said. “It also has cut down on skipping because there are people out and about.”
Mr. Roberson said that when he encounters a student on campus between classes, he checks their pass. If they do not have a pass but are cooperative, he escorts them back to class. If they are uncooperative or disruptive, he writes a referral or calls an administrator.
Security officer Barry Poindexter said the Dream Team bikers make his job easier because they get to places where the Gator cannot. Mr. Wittwer said that once the bikers got started, the number of skippers decreased.
Junior Tyler Rinehart said he has seen the bikers around the trailers especially before lunch.
“I was confused the first time I saw a teacher on a bike around campus,” Tyler said.
Mr. Lacy said he does not mind riding around campus most mornings.
“Most people I know who work spend all day sitting behind a desk and don’t get to go out a lot, and here’s a chance to get some exercise and get paid to do it,” Mr. Lacy said.
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