Alphabet Museum of Healthy Foods
This lesson is for : Kindergarten,Grade 1,Grade 2,Grade 3,Grade 4,Grade 5: Summary This project was designed as an effort to encourage speaking, listening, reading, and …
This lesson is for : Kindergarten,Grade 1,Grade 2,Grade 3,Grade 4,Grade 5: Summary This project was designed as an effort to encourage speaking, listening, reading, and …
This lesson is for : Grade 10: Summary How do we change the eating habits of our students in the Cafeteria? This lesson was a …
Summary Art and Physical education teamed up to teach students the importance of eating healthy. Students researched the best foods to eat, how to recognize …
Summary Students will choose a restaurant and highlight an unhealthy meal option and a health alternative. They will use an infographic to display the information. …
Summary In this lesson, students assume the role of author/editor working for a publishing company that has been given the assignment to work on the …
Submitted by: Dana Kelly Collaborators: Ann Nash, Katie Kier, Terran Evans, Tim Mertz School: Academy at Virginina Randolph Summary After studying the digestive system, the …