15ES201_Read, Write, Sell
This lesson is for : Grade 4,Grade 5: Summary There is a need to increase engagement in reading and writing for the advanced students. The …
This lesson is for : Grade 4,Grade 5: Summary There is a need to increase engagement in reading and writing for the advanced students. The …
This lesson is for : Grade 5: Summary Students will give a digital presentation by recording a presentation collaborated by small groups and created using …
This lesson is for : Grade 3: Summary This cross-curricular project is a result of collaboration between teachers, weather expert, and students. It is uniquely …
This lesson is for : Kindergarten: Summary How are past, present, and future linked together? What does past mean? What is the present? When is …
This lesson is for : Grade 5: Summary Consants! Independent Variables! Hypotheses! These are all big terms associated with the scientific method. This lesson is …
This lesson is for : Grade 4: Summary BRRRR! We challenge you to take up the cause of raising awareness for ALS by taking part …
Summary Students were asked to create a festival that centers around the pumpkin. After completing research students are required to develop a plan for their …
Summary What is an entrepreneur’s role in our economy? This student-centered project allowed students the authentic opportunity to use their knowledge of our economy and …
Amanda Dickey, Deep Run High School Summary English 9 students are asked to choose a scenario from the novel Great Expectations that will be used …
Summary During this lesson students worked independently to create a trailer to advertise the book that they read for their 9 week book report. This …