Using Technology to Help Others
This lesson is for : Grade 1,Grade 4: Summary After reading the book, Out of my Mind by Sharon Draper, students had many questions about …
This lesson is for : Grade 1,Grade 4: Summary After reading the book, Out of my Mind by Sharon Draper, students had many questions about …
Summary I was looking for a way to have students research and really stretch their critical thinking across the curriculum. My ITRT and I decided …
Summary First grade students imagined that they were Christopher Columbus. As an explorer, they needed a way to sail across the ocean to discover new …
Summary I met with my ITRT and discussed my desire of having students research and really stretch their critical thinking cross ciricularly. After batting a …
Submitted by: Caroline Hutton School: Pemberton Elementary Summary To combine the concept of float and sink and a study on Christopher Columbus, students completed an …
Submitted by: Dodie Denison Whitt School: Rivers Edge Elementary Summary In “From Math-terpieces to Masterpieces,” First Grade students will begin by reading Greg Tang’s book …