Firefighter Follies – 4167
Summary My “Firefighter Follies” project originated from brainstorming for my “Reflective Friends” visit. The children had been learning about national symbols and their origins, Veterans’ …
Summary My “Firefighter Follies” project originated from brainstorming for my “Reflective Friends” visit. The children had been learning about national symbols and their origins, Veterans’ …
Summary This project developed out of students’ interest in finding out more about driving habits of the student body at our school. In this project, …
Summary For a unit on public speaking with the theme of Greek mythology, students first researched the 14 major gods and goddesses. For research, they …
Summary Students are introduced to the story structure of the mythic journey as they begin to study art of early global cultures. Students will see …
Submitted by: Ellen Jewell Collaborators: Joy McDonald, ITRT School: Hungary Creek Middle Summary After participating in a webinar on Google SketchUp, students wanted to incorporate …
Summary After noticing a unique kind of recycling symbol, students researched it to discover Terracycle and joined the Elmer’s Glue Crew brigade. Through this program, …
Summary Students combine our citizenship unit, graphing unit, and library resource time to self-generate ideas based on data collection from a broad range of resources. …
Summary Using 21st Century skills and higher level questioning with Bloom’s Taxonomy, the students completed an integrated Language Arts and Social Studies unit focusing on …
Submitted by: Charlotte Foster School: Varina High School Summary Students compete to have to most appealing extracurricular club in the class. During a virtual club …
Summary The Lord of the Rings. The Hunger Games. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. In the last decade, juvenile and teen fiction novels have …