Pete the Cat’s Train Trip: Retelling The Story Using Robots and Green Screens

Teacher(s) Name: Ms. Ferry

School: Highland Springs ES

Grade Level(s): Kindergarten

Content Area(s): English, Reading

Lesson Summary

In this lesson, Pete the Cat and a group of Kindergartners take an adventure to visit Grandma by train! After reading Pete the Cat’s Train Trip kindergartners used a map to visually show Pete’s trip using Ozobots and then used the Green Screen to put themselves in Pete’s place during the train trip!

TIPC Ratings

Research & Information Fluency

Rating:Not Observed – Explanation: Not a focus of this lesson.

Communication & Collaboration

Rating: Developing – Explanation: This lesson fits into the developing category for communication and collaboration. While students worked independently on the Ozobot portion of this lesson, they worked in collaborative groups to develop skits.

Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

Rating: Approaching – Explanation: This lesson fits into the approaching category of critical thinking and problem solving. Students were able to choose how they drew a Pete’s train path and had to decide how to best retell the story.

Creativity & Innovation

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: This lesson fits into the ideal category of creativity and innovation. Students had to synthesize existing and self-generated knowledge about maps and globes, along with the story Pete the Cat’s Train Trip to create a path for his trip using Ozobots. This also had to retell the story in a creative way with their peers.

Student Artifact

Lesson Materials

H21 Lesson Artifacts