Children of War

Teacher(s) Name: Mrs. Schools

School: Henrico HS

Grade Level(s): Grade 10

Content Area(s): English

Lesson Summary

After reading The Lord of the Flies, students completed an individual assignment relating to themes from the novel where they researched a specific war and its effects on children. This larger assignment brings students together into groups to consolidate and utilize their research. The groups are given a task: create a proposal for a program that supports and provides relief for children who have lived through or are currently living through war. They are asked to create a web-based presentation outlining the elements of their program and present to a “panel” from a Fortune 500 company, hoping to receive funding from them for their program.  The teacher and other adults at the school are invited to sit on this panel.

TIPC Ratings

Research & Information Fluency

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: The teacher designs an authentic challenge where the students’ final research-based proposal shows a synthesis of information. Student research entails investigating effects of war on children, what their needs might be and what works or does not work to meet them to provide support, effective and ineffective ways to raise money, and other elements deemed necessary based on their proposal. The teacher models and reminds students about accurate investigation strategies, and the students ultimately select the most appropriate digital tools and information sources from traditional sources to current foundations’ websites and personal accounts from victims. The teacher then facilitates and formatively assesses each group’s proposal.

Communication & Collaboration

Rating: Approaching – Explanation: To address this task, students form their own groups and organize their roles, tasks and means of communication within the group. Students need to work together to consolidate their previous individual research to be utilized towards the group’s goal. The teacher teaches students how to collaborate purposefully with the use of a Schoology discussion board, where both presenters and the audience can share information and engage in a conversation about the proposals that are shared. Furthermore, each group of students work together to ultimately communicate effectively with the “panel,” persuading them to invest in the proposal. Students reflect on their role in and contribution to the group’s work.

Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

Rating: Approaching – Explanation: To create their program, each group generates and responds to purposeful questions. Through both the presentation and discussion board formats, group members are challenged with justifying their decisions and plan by both the panel and their audience. Students ultimately reflect on their role and their thoughtfulness in addressing the task.

Creativity & Innovation

Rating: Approaching – Explanation: While each group’s program overall needs to be founded in research, many elements of the program are new ideas created by the group members. To succeed in receiving funding from the company, the ideas need to be original, creative and have the potential to make an impact in order for the investors to feel confident in supporting them. Students analyze trends and synthesize self-generated and existing knowledge to inspire new solutions with this in mind.

Student Artifact

Lesson Materials

H21 Lesson Artifacts