Issues and Campaigns

This lesson is for : Grade 10:


Students select an issue that is relevant to them on a school, local or national level and create a campaign to draw awareness to their issue. Students can use an issue that they researched for a previous assignment or select a new issue. The students may work as a group or individually. Using the Persuasive Techniques in Advertising handout and the persuasive techniques for a persuasive paper, the students will utilize each technique in their final product. The students can use a poster, digital ad, Prezi, Powerpoint, Google Slides, etc. for their final campaign. Students need to identify their target audience and target their campaign to that audience.

TIPC Ratings

Research & Information Fluency

Rating: Approaching – Explanation: Throughout the year, students were instructed on how to find and assess the validity sources. Students were able to use those skills to assemble and organize enough information to build a solid campaign. The teacher’s role was the provide support during this process.

Communication & Collaboration

Rating: Approaching – Explanation: The project is designed to challenge students to reach beyond the classroom to affect change on an issue that they are passionate about. Students could reach beyond the classroom to principals or local government officials. Students utilized Google Docs to compile their information as a group. Various campaigns will use PowerPoint, Prezi, Google Slides, etc. Students formed teams and appropriately assigned tasks.

Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

Rating: Approaching – Explanation: This lesson was designed to have students create a solution to an authentic task – how do you enact change when you are passionate about an issue? As a teacher, my role is to act as a sounding board for students as the determine the best approach for their campaign. Students had to determine their own purposeful questions by asking what was the purpose of their campaign and what did they hope to accomplish. In their presentation they needed to justify their choices.

Creativity & Innovation

Rating: Approaching – Explanation: Students have the opportunity to synthesize their research, communicate and collaborate with their group members, and apply critical thinking to determine the best way to campaign for their issue (an authentic task). Students were about to create original work in response to their campaign goals. One group targeted our tardy sweeps at school. They met with our principal to gather information about the whys behind the tardy sweeps. After presenting to the class, they met with our principal to share their campaign and hope to have some changes put into place on the school’s tardy sweep policy.

Student Artifact


Lesson Materials

H21 Lesson Artifacts

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