15HS601_Wanted, Dead not Alive!

This lesson is for : Grade 9:


The purpose of this lesson is twofold. First, students will learn to master research skills that are fundamental to information literacy. Understanding the research process, knowing what sources to use, terms to search, evaluating sources, citing sources, compiling and organizing data are skills that students will acquire and refine throughout the lesson. The second purpose is to raise student awareness regarding communicable diseases. Through their research, students will understand the cause(s) of common diseases and learn how to prevent them. This information is essential for maintaining a healthy body. The culminating performance task of this lesson is the creation of a “Wanted, Dead not Alive” digital poster that captures the research and the depth of the students’ understanding of a specific communicable disease.

TIPC Ratings

Research & Information Fluency

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: This lesson promotes, cultivates and supports research and information fluency in the following ways: Students learn how to conduct research in an organized manner. Through OneSearch, they learn how to distinguish between various databases and use those that are suitable for this type of research. Students use EasyBib to cite their work and create a bibliography. After gathering data on a communicable disease, they evaluate and paraphrase it to fit on the poster. Students demonstrate their research understanding, use, knowledge and skill by meeting the rubric criteria and the formation of their posters.

Communication & Collaboration

Rating: Developing – Explanation: Students collaborate with elbow partners to discuss various aspects of their research and the creation of their posters. They also discuss digital tools that they have used and determine which tool would be best to complete their project.

Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

Rating: Approaching – Explanation: Instructor encourages students to learn about various communicable diseases. Their focus is the one they select. The librarian explains how to conduct legitimate research with reliable electronic sources, and how to cite these sources. Students must then choose among sources and interpret results of searches. Students must also work out best way to get their information across to others via layout/design of their posters.

Creativity & Innovation

Rating: Approaching – Explanation: Students use their creative skills in the design, layout and picture choice for their poster to create a unique product that encapsulates their research and summary of the communicable disease.

Student Artifact


Lesson Materials

H21 Lesson Artifacts

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