Important Virginians

This lesson is for : Grade 4:


To support the Virginia Studies curriculum, students constructed questions about famous Virginians through the use of a Padlet wall. Based on their questions, a research template was created in Google Docs. Students worked in partners or small groups based on the Virginian they were interested in learning more about. After completing research using a variety of web tools and trade books, students selected a presentation tool that they were interested in using to show what they had learned. Students were evaluated with a rubric and also completed a self reflection upon completion of this project.

TIPC Ratings

Research & Information Fluency

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: Students generated their own questions for research using a class Padlet wall. Students conducted research using trade books, text books, and various sites on OneSearch. They assembled and organized their information on a Google Doc that they collaborated on with their partner. Students had the choice of displaying their research findings by creating a tour with Google Tour Builder, creating a Movie using Dell Webcam, or creating a presentation using Google Slides.

Communication & Collaboration

Rating: Approaching – Explanation: Students were group based on their interests. Students established group norms, collaborated on Google Docs to conduct research, and decided upon a presentation tool. Studnets worked together to create a product that showcased what they had learned about their important Virginian. Students used the project rubric and self-reflection to reflect on their work.

Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

Rating: Developing – Explanation: Students generated and responded to questions that they developed throughout the course of this project. They used Google Docs to collaborate to find answers to their questions and plan out how to share this information with their peers. Students filled out a self-reflection form at the end of the lesson to reflect on the product and process.

Creativity & Innovation

Rating: Approaching – Explanation: Students had the freedom to choose from several presentation modes for their final products. All projects started from a blank slate and students had to add pictures, video, text, voice, etc. to bring their information to life for their peers. They created meaningful original products using the project rubric as a guide. Students filled out a self-reflection form at the end of the lesson to reflect on the product and process.

Student Artifact


Lesson Materials

H21 Lesson Artifacts

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