What Can the Students do to Maintain or Restore the Habitat Surrounding the School? – 7041


Students had to select an animal that they would like to see return or continue living in the habitat around the school. They had to research the animal’s basic needs, adaptations, and write a persuasive argument. Then, the students chose a medium to present their argument and research. Students chose between recording a commercial/song, Children’s Engineering, creating a newspaper/magazine, or an online presentation. Each student presented his or her project at our 2nd Grade Habitats Share Fair. The PTA Beautification committee and the school’s administration attended, observing and communicating with the students about their projects.

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The students applied research techniques modeled by the librarian and classroom teachers. Students used a checklist and rubric that gave them guidelines for project expectations. Students analyzed research to form an argument that served as the basis for their project

The students were divided into small groups and were able to select their animal and how to present their final product. Within their project groups, the students had freedom to create their project based on the parameters of the assignment. The newspaper/magazine group could choose to use ComicLife, Pages, or Pixie. The online presentation group could choose Haikudeck, ActivInspire, or Keynote. The commercial and design challenge groups used various materials, props, and jingles to create their projects. The second grade teachers and students collaborated with the librarian (research), music teacher (jingle), Exceptional Education- L.D. teacher, administration, and PTA Beautification Committee which brought real meaning and purpose to this assignment. .

The students were given an authentic task and question to research. After learning about different types of habitats and the basic needs of animals, the students were challenged to research an animal the community could help support living on the school grounds. Students not only had to think critically about an animal that could survive in this type of area but also had to figure out how to keep the school community safe if wild animals were brought back. The students had to justify their reasonings by presenting their findings and their persuasive argument using a digital tool, engineered design, or skit/commercial.

Students were given creative freedom for their final project. Within the parameters of the rubric and guidelines, students had the opportunity to create meaningful work for an authentic task. Based on their research, they formed their own ideas about the habitat surrounding the school and what we could do as Habitat Helpers to support the animal life at the school.

Download Files


  • Lesson Plan
  • Rubric
  • Student Artifacts
  • Graphic Organizers

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