Reading Fluency – 7043


The students are participating in a community service project where they are analyzing the impact of growing up in a literacy-rich environment and how it can impact their reading fluency. During this project, students researched what fluent readers do as they’re reading, the life lessons that can be taught to children from picture books, as well as the opportunity cost of childhood literacy. Students then took what they’ve learned from their research and discussions to create audio CDs and podcasts of themselves reading a picture book aloud and both of these items were donated to the children’s hospital.

TIPC Ratings

Students developed their own questions about fluency and its relationship to literacy during our quality questioning unit. They worked together to read and determine the main idea and most important details from our Jim Trelease brochures before sharing them with the class. The teacher selected the brochures children used to do their research. The class also continued their research by asking questions of the reading specialist.

Throughout our entire fluency project, students have been asked to reflect using a variety of tools. They’ve reflected using padlet on the blog, responded to google forms with a buddy, made goals for their target WPM.

Students generated their own questions during our quality questioning lesson to learn more about discuss what they’ve been learning about fluency and literacy. During our lesson with the reading specialist students were then asked their questions and needed to collaborate and justify their responses based on their research. Finally, they used padlet, our classroom blog, and the online Jim Trelease brochures to analyze literacy.

Students created their own voice recordings of a picture book, which will then be sent to children at the Richmond Children’s Hospital. During our discussion with the reading specialist and the gifted resource teacher the students had to reflect on their knowledge of literacy and fluency to develop reflective questions about these topics to expand their knowledge.

Student Artifact


Download Files


  • Lesson Plan
  • Student Artifact
  • Rubric
  • Graphic Organizer

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