We’re Engaged!! – Google Docs in the Collaborative Classroom – 6902

Submitted by: JaNee Jones & Sarah Billups

School: Varina High School


Annotation is the ultimate in critical thinking for reading based lessons. Through annotation students are able to relate the text to themselves and other previous knowledge. Students receive real-time feedback from their classmates and teacher as they annotate the document. Through the instantaneous feedback provided for by GoogleDrive students are able to achieve higher levels of Blooms Taxonomy. Teachers are also able to track student’s individual thinking in order to address individual concerns and grade more accurately. We have found in a variety of settings (self-contained, collaborative, college prep) students are more likely to interact as a class through GoogleDrive. Students who are not comfortable contributing in class in a more traditional sense are more likely to contribute in this more anonymous setting. They are able to think through their thoughts at their own pace before responding to questions. Students are able to take an author’s original work and create an essentially new work by adding their own thoughts to the work.

TIPC Ratings

Approaching –Students are taking a student-selected text and analyzing it. They use the text to develop new and interesting ideas through analysis and synthesis of prior knowledge and new knowledge.

Approaching –Students are able to communicate with each other and their teachers regardless of time or space. Students are able to collaborate in the classroom and outside the classroom.

Approaching –Students are required to answer peer generated questions about the text. The teachers are able to push students to higher levels of thinking and questioning. Students identify a characteristic of the text and teachers are able to in real-time ask follow up questions. Students are required to apply prior knowledge to the text.

Approaching — Students are able to develop fresh ideas about a text. They start with the basis of the text that is provided and through analysis are able to generate their own ideas. They are also able to develop fresh ideas by linking the text to their personal experiences, prior readings, and other prior knowledge. They essentially are creating a new and creative work by analyzing the works of the masters. They are encouraged to link pictures and other websites to what they are reading as well as their ideas. This takes the baseline of great literature and takes it to new heights in essence creating a new product with a deeper meaning by stripping it down.

Student Artifact

Link to Class Google Doc

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