Muscle Research

Submitted by: Dana Kelly
School: The Academy at Virginia Randolph


We have just finished learning about the human muscular system.  Students have learned all the major superficial muscle groups.  This lesson will allow each student to focus on one major muscle group and become an expert on its function, location, structure and one interesting fact.  This lesson will be shared/collaborated with other students who are researching the other muscle groups.  All students will be able to learn the important facts about the other students’ muscle groups.

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The teacher provided the student with a variety of muscle groups for them to select one to research. The students define what information they feel should be researched included location and function of the muscle group. The students feel that it is important that they include a picture of the muscle group in its proper location. The students use a Spaaze wall to document their information.

The students used the Spaaze wall tp document research information about the muscle groups. The teacher and the students created a rubric to help design the direction the research should take. That information was included on the Spaaze wall. Students also reviewed each other’s information to check for completion of task and correct spelling and accuracy.

While planning the project, students created a rubric to drive their research and determine what information would be pertinent in describing the function and location of their muscle group. Students also included interesting facts about the muscle group. Students created review questions on the information they documented on the Spaaze wall to include in a study guide.

Students created a Spaaze wall which included information they determine to be relevant to research on their muscle group. The students included written information, pictures, videos, and in some instances the website where they found their information. This makes this site an excellent resource for reviewing information about the muscle groups.

Student Artifact

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