Lesson Title: Current Affairs
Teacher: Julia Clark
Target Grade/Subject: 10 – Economics and Personal Finance
Length: 45-90 Minutes
This lesson is an ongoing activity in which students research current affairs articles, drawing connections to concepts discussed in class related to economics. Students are responsible for summarizing articles and creating comprehension questions to share with their classmates, as well as answering questions from other articles. Students collaborate in a google site to share their work and evaluate contributions.
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Students are engaged in self-directed research on current affairs issues through the authentic task of maintaining a blog site . They are responsible for evaluating the reliability of the news source and identifying economic concepts in language that may not be immediately apparent.
Students are responsible for contributing the content to the class website and will collaborate on identifying and explaining economic concepts present in media sources. Students use a google site to organize and respond to each others’ blogs. The teacher facilitates the blog site to ensure all material is appropriate and that students are getting a real-life understanding of the sometimes difficult concepts included in the curriculum.
Students must use Critical Thinking strategies to determine the validity and applicability of the articles to the terms they are studying in the course. In order to successfully complete the assignment, students must not only understand the concepts being considered, but also how those concepts transfer into real-life economical news and events.
Students utilize provided digital tools to create and respond to each others posted articles and questions.