First grade students have been learing about citizneship, communities, graphing and voting. Although we have spent several days disucssing American Symbols, The United States of America, The Pledge of Allegience, and the current presidental candidates, this lesson will focus on voting and the basics of how voting works in our country. Giving young students a frame of reference for the Presidential election and having them actually take part in the process of making an informed decsion and voting will help them to understand how a good citizen makes an informed choice.
TIPC Ratings
These primary age students had to choose information from varied sources and synthesize it into a real life election and re-create the voting process for others. They had to assemble their information and interact with their research, which scores in target are for research & information fluency.
Students chose their partners and established jobs with those partners. It scores in the approaching category.
Students generated many questions about the election process and had them answered by the process in this lesson, rather than the teacher answering them. They justified their choices in their final product so this lesson is in the approaching category.
Not a major component of this lesson, but falls in developing category because students had some input as to which candidate they wanted to support and represent in their posters, and they did summarize the results using the graphs created by the Activ Votes.
Student Artifact
Your Vote Counts! from HCPS Instructional Technology on Vimeo.
Download Files
- Lesson Plan
- Voter Registration Card
- Graphic Organizer
- Student Created Poster & Pixie Document