Adaptations and Animal Relationships


Students will collaborate with at least one partner (chosen by the teacher) using their choice of technology/materials to create a model demonstrating an understanding of key life science concepts. The topics were specifically chosen because they are topics many students still struggle with. The models (movies, pixies, flipcharts, etc.) will be used for further study by my classroom and possibly by other third grade classrooms on our classroom blog.

TIPC Ratings

Students applied search techniques demonstrated by the teacher. They used sites supplied by the teacher to complete the class assignment(s) and reflected on the accuracy of a site and how useful a site was in their reflection page.

Student worked in teacher selected groups for this assignment. Students were paired based on their knowledge of the subject matter. Struggling students were paired with students that had a better grasp of the SOLs at hand. Students used digital tools to communicate and complete the assignments of their choice.

Students responded to purposeful questions and justified decision making practices in their reflection papers. Students applied digital tools to work on the authentic task of creating study guides for their classmates. Study guides had to be accurate and present material in a meaningful and easy to understand manner.

Students created original study guides using a variety of digital resources. Students had the choice of Pixie, Keynote, Inspire, Pages, to present the material to their classmates in a new way.

Student Artifact


Download Files

Anaimal Adaptations 4826

  • Keynote Project
  • Daily Reflection Plan
  • Keynote Project
  • Pixie Project
  • Lesson Plan
  • Rubric
  • Pixie Project

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