A World without People? – 6608


This lesson is based on a short story entitled, “There Will Come Soft Rains”, by Ray Bradbury.  Prior to reading the story, students  collaborate in small groups to complete a pre-reading exercise. The pre-reading exercise is a catalyst for students to project their thoughts into the future and explore what they believe the world, their home, and their lives will look like in the year 2026. After students read the story, they discover that the impact of an atomic bomb explosion leaves the world in an unimaginable predicament (technology continues but without people).  Working in small groups, students discuss the plot, characters, conflict theme and point of view of the story and complete an  online “Cloze” activity documenting their analysis of the elements of the story. Students use details from the story in support of their analysis. To  express their creative interpretation of the story, students log onto a comic strip website and create a five frame comic strip depicting the story from their point of view.  The class views and discusses each comic strip and makes predictions for solutions to the problems presented in the story. Note: This lesson was designed for students in collaborative classes.

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Although research is not the focus of this lesson, students are required to apply research techniques to investigate specific information. They use Internet resources, their textbooks, and other print resources to locate, analyze and include the correct information on the pre-reading “Cloze” activity. They determine the point of view, characters, theme, conflict, and components of the plot graph. They complete the “Cloze” activity online within their assigned groups. Further, the plot graph activity provides students with an opportunity to compile and organize the events that take place during the short story.

Working in small groups, students discuss what they believe 2026 will look like and document their conclusions on a blog site. Although groups are designated by the teacher, group members determine their role (leader, time keeper, checker, recorder/reporter, etc.). They download the Group Collaboration Task Sheet and work together to complete this activity listing their roles, group norms, group goals, etc. Students collaborate and come to an agreement that represents the thoughts of the group. They document their conclusions on a blog site that will be shared with the class.

Students are compelled to think outside of their own environment. They make predictions regarding what they think life will be like in the year 2026. Further, after watching the video and reading the short story (There Will Come Soft Rains), students predict life in the year 2026 with technology and no people. As they analyze the story that has no people, students use higher level thinking and collaboration skills to determine if a certain character is round, flat, dynamic, or static. Students go beyond typical thinking and to cite “characters” as being fire, animals, house, etc. They analyze the story and generate a theme, and determine the message Bradbury was trying to convey in the story. Students also display critical thinking skills as they respond to questions regarding how technology can impact and influence life and the dangers associated with it as they cite examples from life now (i.e., the war overseas, nuclear weapon creation, etc.). They explain, in written word, what the author, Ray Bradbury, was trying to teach his readers. They are encouraged to think about what was going on during the time Bradbury wrote this story and why he may have been concerned about the future. Towards the end of the lesson, students reflect and discuss what they learned from the story and from their groups, and how to improve group work in the future.

Students logon to comic strip website and create an original comic strip based on their plot graph. They create five panels, each one depicting a different part of the plot graph. Although they describe and explain the story using few words (as in a comic strip), the essence of the story should be clear to someone who has not read the story.

Download Files


  • Lesson Plan & Web Resources
  • Collaboration Task Activity
  • Story Elements Chart
  • Comic Strip Rubric

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