Grade 5 students chose an endangered species from a list of thirteen ocean animals. They worked with their groups to create a website checklist and compiled questions that needed to be answered during research. The children researched the animal and its food web. Students brainstormed ideas of negative human impacts on these species. They imagined that this species died out and created a new food web without this particular species. The students chose a means of communication to create a public service announcement and shared it with the class.
TIPC Ratings
This project scores in the Approaching category. Students constructed questions to guide their research, and rated all of the sources that they used, as well as justifying why they chose that particular source.
Students used a Google doc to compile information, facts, and citation of sources as a group. This is in the Developing category due to the teacher defining which digital collaboration tool would be used.
In the category of Critical Thinking and Problem Solving; this scores Approaching. The students had to justify their recommendations and had to solve the problem confronting the ocean animal they were studying.
In this category this project scores Developing. Each group completed all portions of this project with some degree of personal choice. The jobs in the group were defined by the students.