Persuasive Political Ads


In this lesson, students will use research skills taught in a previous class to create a political ad for/against one of the presidential candidates.  Students will choose a relevant social issue, evaluate sources to locate factual information, then use that information to make a political ad either for or against one of the presidential candidates.

TIPC Ratings

Approaching: Students are being asked to create an actual advertisement using research skills for finding evidence. In making decisions about the medium for their ad, they will need to choose the proper technological program to use and the most effective ways to use it. They will also have to check their sources for authenticity and relevance.  

Approaching: Making use of the Collaborative Task Sheet, students will work together effectively within their groups, making sure all members are contributing to the overall project.  Through the use of this task sheet, students determine the overarching goals of the project, create a list of tasks, and assign members of the group to those tasks.


Developing:  While this is not a focus for the lesson, students still use their critical thinking skills to make decisions about the political ad they are developing.  Students must have an understanding of the topic and how to effectively persuade the audience in their favor.

Developing:  While this is also not a focus for the lesson, students are asked to create their own artifact, making their own creative decisions on how to go about the main task. They get to personally choose a topic they are passionate about and create the medium they feel will best get their point across. (Video, Audio, or Print)


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