Submitted by: Shannon Bailey
School: J.R. Tucker High School
Imagine that you just visited a francophone country where you learned a great deal about their culture. After returning to Richmond, you decide to create a video/web site/blog/presentation/etc. to help the Tucker students broaden their world and cultural knowledge. The product must be entirely in French with the correct use of vocabulary and grammar (i.e. preterit/imperfect, subjunctive, etc.)
TIPC Ratings
APPROACHING – Students must research francophone countries to find information relating to a variety of themes and topics. Search techniques were previously demonstrated by the teacher. Students used an assortment of digital tools such as foreign newspapers, government websites, maps, and online journals. After analyzing the information, students had to determine the best way to create a product that would broaden peer’s cultural knowledge. This simulation puts learning in a real world context.
APPROACHING – Students communicate often in this French class were encouraged to collaborate with a partner on this project. For students working in pairs, they chose their own partner. They realized that in order to collaborate outside the classroom then they would need to choose an appropriate digital tool. Most pairs used either We Video to create a web-based video or Weebly to create a website. Students had to organize themselves and determine who would be responsible for completing each requirement. The students also had to communicate effectively in the French language. They had to use the accurate accent, pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar (i.e. preterit/imperfect, subjunctive, etc.)
DEVELOPING – After students researched a francophone country, they created a product that will broaden their peers’ cultural knowledge. They had to think critically about which information they would present to their peers and how they would convey their messages. They also had to choose which digital tools would best suit their needs not only for collaboration but also to present the facts to their classmates.
APPROACHING – Students had to synthesize information from their research, collaborate with with partner, and use a variety of digital tools in order to create a presentation about a francophone country. Students communicated orally in their their projects, which were entirely in French. They were extremely creative with their final products and they were shared with their peers.
Download Files
Lesson 6801 Resources
- Student Directions in English
- Student Directions in French
- Lesson Plan
- Link to Student Artifact