Spanish I – Text to Speech

Submitted by: Debora L. Hildago-Monroy

School: Mills E. Godwin High School


It is good practice in a World Languages class to often speak and hear the target language spoken. This lesson provided the students the opportunity to write and listen to a conversation between two characters describing a particular situation using the vocabulary of the unit of study at that time. Students worked collaboratively in groups of 2 and wrote the conversation. They then transferred the text of the conversation they composed to speech using the online web resource, Xtranormal. Once the Xtranormal video was complete the students downloaded the video from Xtranormal and uploaded it into their teacher’s SchoolSpace dropbox. Each group then presented their Xtranormal video to the class. The class and the teacher then evaluated each video for proper pronunciation and grammatical usage.

TIPC Ratings

Electronic resources were evaluated for the most appropriate and effective resource to use for this lesson. Students researched for accuracy and authentic use of the Spanish language to accomplish this real-world task of making a video of a conversation between two characters.

The teacher presented the most effective way to use the electronic resources chosen. The teacher provided instructions and established group norms to facilitate effective collaboration. Students collaborated in groups of two to compose their conversation and create their video. These videos were posted on the electronic resource site as well as SchoolSpace.

The students presented their videos in class and the teacher encouraged higher order thinking by having the students critique their peers’ videos and correcting any misuse of the target language.

The teacher created a student-centered learning environment and provided opportunities for the students to demonstrate collaborating, communication and critical thinking skills. The student worked together in groups of 2 to write a conversation in the target language and use an electronic resource to create an original video using the conversation composed.

Student Artifact

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