Data Analysis through Google Spreadsheets

Submitted by: Carol Campfield
School: Freeman High School


Students performed a lab in which groups collected data on the reaction rate of catalase. I gave the Google doc web address to the students. Each group then chose one person to enter their group’s data on the google doc form.
This lesson is retrieval of the entire data set for all three classes. My computer was hooked to the projector so all could watch. After opening the google doc, we looked at the data for information that didn’t appear to be correct. We decided as a group what to do about questionable data. Once the data was corrected, the students downloaded the document as an Excel file. The students were then able to use Excel to average the data so they could graph this data and enter it into their data tables on their lab reports. Finally, they had to answer questions concerning the lab and their results.

TIPC Ratings

Teacher: Approaching 4: Students had to research for the introduction part of the formal lab. They were to locate information on the catalase reaction that breaks down hydrogen peroxide, the benefit of hydrogen peroxide to living things and its toxicity to organisms. Then they had to write two to three paragraphs using the researched information.
Student: Developing 3: The students researched as I have modeled and we have spoken about confirming information found at one web site by checking another site. I have also showed them how to do an advance search, using only .edu or .gov sites.

This lesson is Approaching. Students engaged in meaningful communication and purposeful collaboration through the use of the Google doc. This was the most appropriate digital tool for collaboration. Most students used Excel to create graphs, while some stayed in Google docs. This data was shared and collected across three different classes.

This lesson is approaching. Students were able to respond to questions concerning data and justify their answers. They were able to explain why certain data entered from other groups was invalid. I designed instruction where students had to think critically to answer questions concerning their data. Students analyzed the data in the Excel spreadsheet and their graph to answer questions and create their own questions.

This lesson is developing. This lesson created opportunities for students to synthesize data, communicate and collaborate both within and with other classes, and apply critical thinking skills to address the action of catalase. Students had to analyze trends in the data to create accurate graphs. The graphs were original works but they seemed to stay within excel or the google spreadsheet, limiting their aspects of personal choice.

Student Artifact

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