Genetic Engineering Google Presentation

Submitted by: Carol Campfield
School: Freeman High School


Students work in small groups to complete research on a genetic engineering topic of their choice.  They create a google presentation from their research to present to their class and other classes.

TIPC Ratings

This lesson is ideal/target for research and information fluency.  Students used OneSearch and advanced searches to find credible information.  Students determine accuracy of information and use the information they deem appropriate.  This lesson facilitates an authentic task that will be assessed through the compilation of information on the presentation.

This lesson is approaching in communication and collaboration. Students from each period are creating one google presentation to then show within their class and to other classes. Students work in groups with established norms and are addressing the authentic task of genetic engineering. Students are using the google presentation to collaborate during class time and after school hours.

This lesson is approaching in critical thinking and problem solving. Students are required to generate and find answers to the questions surrounding the topic they chose. During the presentation, students are able to justify their research when they are questioned. Additionally, they are thinking critically about this high level topic and recording their research and thoughts in the presentation.

This lesson is approaching in creativity and innovation. Students are given the opportunity to synthesize their research, collaborate, and apply critical thinking skills to address and present on their topic. Students look at the trends and information, analyze it, then create an original google presentation that will become a part of the larger project.

Student Artifact

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