Craft Tutorials

Submitted by: Deana Miller and Andrea Gooch
Collaborators: Katherine Kier
School: The Academy at Virginia Randolph


The Bizarre Bazaar Christmas Collection Craft Show is looking for fresh new vendors this year!  Students are asked to come up with a fresh, new, innovative, crafty, idea that could hypothetically be sold at The Annual Bizzare Bazaar Christmas Collection Craft Show.  Students will come up with a craft and collaborate with peers to create a presentation on how to create the craft.  The student groups will be composed of at least one English student and one Art student.  The students may choose any craft they want.  The group will be responsible for mastering the craft and then decide on a way to share their instructions to an audience in a fun, easy-to-follow, accurate, how-to presentation.

TIPC Ratings

Although all strands of the TIPC are important in the development of a 21 Century lesson, this lesson does not focus on Research and Information Fluency.

Developing- Pairing of art and English students defined the roles in which the student were responsible for in the craft creation and the written instructions  for creating the  how-to presentation. The pair worked together in the selection and creating of the digital tool to demonstrate how-to create their craft.

Developing- Students used digital tools to present the directions for creating their craft. They had to consider what would be the best medium for the presentation and how to write their directions to make them accurate and easy to follow.

Developing- Students produced a craft and created a  how-to presentation to model to a given audience how to make the craft. Students had to synthesize the directions for the creation of the final products into directions that would easy for an audience to follow in order to create the craft.

Student Artifact

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