Storm Chasers

Submitted by: Kelly Wright
Collaborators: Kelly Wittkopf
School: Three Chopt


Students worked in collaborative groups on their self-selected storm topic of interest. Each group researched their topic using a variety of sources. Students were able to choose from a variety of mediums to create an end product to present their findings to their whole class. Final projects were presented and showcased on our class blog ( where parents and students were able to view and make comments. The following are only some examples of products that student chose, Keynote presentations, Comic Life, and a graphic poster using web based research/graphics and text documents created in Pages. Students used additional technology to create their final products.

TIPC Ratings

This project scored Target for Research. Students applied various research skills to find accurate information. Key elements included were evaluating multiple resources and then selecting their way to display their information.

The Communication and Collaboration scores Approaching for this project. The challenge given to the students was communicated on the class Blog and the task was authentic.

In the Approaching level for Critical Thinking, students solved open ended tasks and generated their own questions for their topic.

The students created original meaningful work in building their Storm Chasers products. They synthesized their research in this task and it scores in the Approaching category.

Student Artifact

Download Files


  • Lesson Plan
  • Peer Edit Form
  • Rubric

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