Map Making Mania

Submitted by: Stefanie Tellman
School: Gayton Elementary


This lesson connects the Children’s Engineering design brief, 21st century skills and social studies SOL 2.6. Students will explore creativity and problem solving, communication and collaboration among teammates, as well as relating maps to real world scenarios. Technology enhances the lesson through the use of a Power Point presentation, research with Google Maps, as well as the Pixie program where students will create an original map using pictures and words. Students will make a class atlas of maps to share and keep in the front office for all to see.

TIPC Ratings

Students will identify Pixie as the appropriate tool to publish and share their project. Students will use the model map provided by the teacher on Pixie as a resource on which to base their project. We also researched various maps that the students brought in as well as Google Earth and Google Maps to apply information to real world problems. By working with their teams and collaborating with one another, students are using real world skills necessary for the 21st century.

Students are communicating and collaborating with each other as they problem solve throughout the lesson and as they share their maps with the class and other students and parents.

Throughout the process and lessons, students are drawing conclusions and solving real world problems when they reflect on their answers and explain their thinking.

Students are creating original work when they are developing their maps. Students used Pixie to design a map. Students also used the iPads to record their routes through the school to show how their map works.

Student Artifact

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  • Lesson Plan
  • Design Brief handout

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