Henrico County Historical Sites

Submitted by: Cody Lizotte
School: Chamberlayne


Students research an historical site in Henrico County, collect images, and create a flyer or news report about the site. They can choose Comic Life or Photo Booth to make their projects.

TIPC Ratings

Developing – Students used teacher selected websites and brochures to gather information and images for their project. They decided what was important to include in their flyer or news report.

Approaching – Students worked in groups that they chose and they assigned each other roles.

Developing – Students determined which information was best to include in their presentation. They solved problems as they worked together and created their project.

Approaching – students chose which digital tool would best represent their site, they created their own unique presentations about the site and decided which format (flyer or news report) to use

Student Artifact

Download Files


  • Lesson Plan (PDF)
  • Student Guidelines for Project (PDF)
  • Sample News Report
  • 2 Sample Flyers

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