Submitted by: Alison Filer
Collaborators: Laurie Gilchrest (Exceptional Ed), David Clough (ITRT)
School: Holladay
Students use various websites and books to research either a celestial body within our solar system or a historical person that contributed to our knowledge of the solar system today. They chose the topic they wanted to research and worked with a partner to collect the data, decide what was important, and work on the project. Students use ComicLife to display a picture of their celestial body/historical figure, give a title to their work, and present three facts from their research about their astronomical body/historical person. Students then use the webcam on the computer to take a photo of themselves and type their names. Finally, they publish their pictures into a class e-book that can be seen here.
TIPC Ratings
Approaching – Students chose from a variety of print and web resources to research a solar system topic, they generated their own questions, they evaluated their sources
Approaching – Students worked collaboratively with a a partner to research and create the project. The project was published to a book which could be viewed online and even purchased.
Entry – Students recalled factual information to complete the class assignment
Developing – Students chose the topic of their project and presented it in a unique way utilizing one digital tool, Comic Life