Submitted by: Connie Alves
School: Greenwood Elementary
In this lesson, students will look into science terms, rough/smooth, soft/hard, flexible/stiff, by researching different textures and using different activities to allow the students to experiment and learn. By using hands on manipulative, and asking quality questions introduced by the teacher, students must find their own answers through experimenting and communicating with each other. Students will use technologies such as the Promethean board, Pixie, iPads to help facilitate their research and critical thinking. Students will come together with the teacher to reflect on their findings to further their critical thinking skills. Proscopes will be used to allow students to manipulate a science tool and allow them to research using this tool.
TIPC Ratings
Researching objects that are rough, smooth, soft, hard, flexible, stiff. Recording these objects on the ipad to be displayed later on the board in lesson 3. Research is being conducted at the stations such as sorting on the promethean board, and Proscope discovery. Students are finding their information using digital and non digital sources.
Students must work together to record objects on ipads. Students will communicate the characteristics of items they locate. Students will work together using the Proscope and taking pictures. Students will work together to complete Pixie sorts. Students will also work together to sort on the Promethean board..
Students will create an original piece of art at station 2 using a variety of objects and textures.
Students must think about the objects they took pictures of and quickly respond to what kind of texture the object has. Students must think about what they are looking for when looking at the object with the Proscope.