Shark Tank!

Submitted by: Ruth Matthews
School: Deep Run High School


Team of entrepreneurs developed products and presented to a panel of business professionals. Students used Prezi to explain their product features and benefits, cost analysis, target market, promotional mix and method of distribution of their new product to potential “investors”. Students used Audacity to create a commercial for their product. A rubric was used by the “shark tank” members to determine whether their product was viable.

TIPC Ratings

This is approaching as students applied search techniques and responded to class assignments requiring analysis of information. Students assemble their information to address the specific tasks (product features and benefits, cost analysis, target market, promotional mix and method of distribution.)

This is approaching as students worked in self-selected teams and assign roles in order to accomplish all requirements of this real-world task. Students use communication tools such as Audacity and Prezi (interactive web page) to communicate information about their product.

This is approaching as the student groups posed and answered questions about market and product strategy and justified their decision-making processes through their (required) sales plans.

This is approaching as students had to analyze market trends and make predictions about the feasibility of their new market item. They worked within and often exceeded the assignment parameters to come up with original work for the ad campaign, the benefits of their product, the target market and method of product distribution.

Student Artifact

Download Files


  • henrico 21 Lesson Plan
  • Student Directions New Product
  • Student Directions — Audacity Sound File
  • Sales Presentation Rubric

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