Weather Globe

Submitted by: Grant Odell
Collaborators: Greg Metcalf and Hattie Smart
School: Deep Run High School


Students will develop an understanding of meteorology and how systems interact to create weather systems around the globe. Special attention will be given to understanding the composition of the atmosphere, meteorology vocabulary, record keeping, understanding forecasts, recording weather data and reading weather maps.

Students will develop and perfect techniques in regard to the collection/recording of weather data. Students will track weather over a period of time and then utilize the data to make a weather log and various charts to graph the data. Also, a current weather report/forecast will be developed by the student using “Go Animate” or Toondoo”.(Techniques will be taught and utilized).

Student will formulate a weather broadcast, gleaned from research resources and complete a data table of weather information. Second phase of project is to develop a student produced broadcast/forecast. Student will compose the weather broadcast in such a way as to emulate themselves delivering a weather broadcast. Third phase of project is the use of “Google Docs” by students for the purpose of sharing data via an electronic spreadsheet.

TIPC Ratings

This lesson is approaching in terms of research and information fluency as students demonstrate ability to execute the skills of digital tools to complete assignment. Students were given training in research skills by the school librarians as there was not just one resource or reference to use. Students tooktheir understanding of the material and extended it to the presentation where they must demonstrate a flowing knowledge of the material. Research skills included accessing databases, websites, research, and organizing and prioritizing the information gathered.

This lesson is approaching as students share knowledge within their peer community by engaging in Google Doc collaborations and by producing multimedia presentations. Collaboration is evident across the board as both the media specialist and ITRT visited the classroom providing training, content and lesson support. The students worked together effectively to reach a common goal. The use of teams and powerful tools such spreadsheets/charts, Google Docs and multimedia websites led to increased student engagement.

Critical thinking is evident throughout this lesson and is at the approaching level of the TIP chart. Gathering, processing and honing information provokes students to think and analyze through the entire assignment. The resources for all of the work are real world and real time and have carry over value to other curricula. In order to complete the presentation, students must rely on themselves and and each other and and analyze their researched information to complete the assignment. The lesson is designed to promote solutions, and authentic tasks. Students must apply digital tools to accomplish the tasks and problem solve within the tasks. They must think critically and develop higher order thinking skills in order to produce quality final products.

This lesson is approaching as innovative thinking is evident because of the choices given to the students in their research and in the variety and quality of the presentations they produced. The real world value is evident due to the intended presentation audience and in the sharing of the chart on Google Docs which is a form of problem solving. There is creativity and innovation. Students are extending their knowledge and creating original ideas and technology products. This is both creative and meaningful work.

Student Artifact

Download Files


  • H21 Lesson Plan
  • Student Data / Graphs Sample
  • Links to Additional Student Artifacts

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