Stem Cell Advertisement

Submitted by: Sarah Crane

School: Deep Run High School


In this lesson, students will enroll and participate in Edmodo ( – a website with a “Facebook” type interface that students are familiar with and find and enjoy to research and investigate the controversial topic of stem cells. Students will create an advertisement for or against stem cells using various multimedia sources (Prezi, Moviemaker, Powerpoint, etc.) and post them onto Edmodo. Students will then evaluate each other’s work.

TIPC Ratings

This lesson is approaching as students search the internet, identify and utilize multiple resources on stem cells. Students explore different sources (personal and official websites) and evaluate whether the information is accurate. They then use the information to create their advertisement advocating for or against the use of stem cells for research.

This lesson is approaching as students collaborate with each other by sharing research and creating projects together. After the projects are posted on Edmodo, students then evaluate other advertisements by making comments under each post. Students also participate in class-wide polls on stem cells and discuss the results of such polls.

This section is approaching as students evaluate multiple sources of research and make their own decisions on stem cells. Because the topic of stem cells is an ethical issue, students make their own decisions on whether or not they support this research. After evaluating their research and sharing ideas, students create advertisements showing whether or not they support this research.

In terms of creativity and innovation, this lesson is approaching as there are many student options within this projects. Students choose which type of multimedia they will use to present their ideas. Students choose what type of advertisement to make (magazine advertisement, commercial, song, billboard ad, etc.). Students were able to pick who was sponsoring their ad (business, non-profit organization, politician, etc.). The student advertisements are examples of meaningful original work.

Student Artifact

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  • H21 Lesson Plan (contains information for viewing student artifacts)

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