Un après-midi à Paris

Submitted by: Barbara Bonner & Shana Katz
Collaborators: Angie Branyon, Erin Mable, & Jennifer Maddux
School: Glen Allen High School


French III students studied different French impressionist, post-impressionist, and surrealist artists and learned how to evaluate a work of art. The students then chose a particular artist, researched that artist, and chose a work of art to evaluate (in French). They made a podcast of their artist and work of art in French and English. Copies of the works of art were displayed in the art gallery and all of the podcasts were loaded onto iPods so other students could take a “walking tour” of our “museum.” The students were also introduced to a variety of French foods and French cooking techniques. The lesson started with a flipchart where the students had to match the foods and cooking techniques to their pictures. Then they had to write what they thought each food or cooking term meant. Finally, we discussed each term with the students. Mrs. Bonner pronounced the words correctly in French and gave some history and background on the terms. Mrs. Katz explained the foods and cooking terms in more detail so the students would understand. In addition, the students discussed how the foods relate to the regions in France. A “French café” was set up for students, parents and other community members to enhance the visit to the museum of French art. French food and music was provided for the guests.

TIPC Ratings

Approaching: During this lesson, students chose an artist of their choice to research using a variety of tools. After researching, students created an authentic & interactive art museum that other students, teachers, and community members could experience.

Approaching: Students worked together in groups to create original podcasts in french and english on their chosen artists. Additionally, they shared their podcasts in an interactive art museum that was open to members of the community.

Developing: After learning about french impressionist, post-impressionist, and surrealist artists, students were tasked with finding an effective and sussinct way to present their own research. They not only had to gather and synthesize the information, but also had to translate it into French and record it for the virtual art museum. This lesson could be enhanced by having students generate and respond to their own research questions.

Approaching: With the support of their French and Food & Wellness teachers, students created a virtual art museum and french cafe for fellow students, parents, and community members to experience. Using technology, students were able to create a 21st century experience for museum-goers and a meaningful experience for themselves. A way to add another layer to this lesson would be to involve the art students and have original art created based on the themes of the museum.

Student Artifact

A.Cooley- Impressionism
?.Cooley- Impressionism-audio

Download Files


  • Lesson Plan
  • Rubric
  • French Food Flipchart
  • Student Example (Podcast about Impressionism)

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