Hamlet vs. Macbeth/Othello: Relevance to 21st Century and Success as a Tragedy

Submitted by: Carolyn Roscoe
School: Mills E. Godwin High School


For this project, students will compare either Hamlet and Macbeth or Hamlet and Othello and present their findings in the form of a wikipage. Through their research, students will answer two overarching questions: Which play has greater relevance to the 21st century? Which play is the better tragedy according to Northrop Frye’s genre archetype theory? In order to determine the answers to these questions, students will compare the two texts in four of the following categories: Freudian analysis; tragic flaw analysis; archetype analysis; gender analysis; comedic relief analysis; theme analysis; speech analysis; and film analysis. Students will support their original analysis with support from outside text sources, as well as pictures, photographs, and video clips.

TIPC Ratings

This is an example of an Approaching lesson for Research and Information Fluency.
Students will:

  • Seek information from a variety of print and electronic sources, including text, pictures/photographs, and video clips.
  • Write with clarity with the use of concise, meaningful word choice; diverse syntax; useful integration of outside information.
  • Compare Shakespeare’s literature with real world situations to determine which text is most relevant to the 21st century.

This is an example of an Approaching lesson for Communication and Collaboration.
Students will:

  • Identify best student to fill each editorial position
  • Edit other students’ work
  • Work with large groups (8-10 students) to create final product
  • Work with smaller groups (2-3 students) on individual sections of product
  • Create manageable deadlines for all group members
  • Communicate inside and outside classroom setting through wikipage
  • Analyze and comment on other groups’ work through discussion section of wikipage
  • Provide wikipages to other 12th grade English teachers, at both Honors and C Levels

This is an example of an Approaching lesson for Critical Thinking and Problem Solving.
Students will:

  • Interpret directions
  • Analyze literature for its relevance to the 21st century
  • Analyze literature for its adherence to Frye’s tragedy genre archetype
  • Support analysis with evidence from multiple resources
  • Integrate relevant visuals – picture, photograph, and video clip – into product
  • Work through conflicts amongst group members, whether creative differences or outside influences
  • Reflect on other students’ work through editing on own wikipage and commenting on other wikipages

This is an example of an Approaching lesson for Creativity and Innovation.
Students will:

  • Create an original product
  • Make the product visually interesting
  • Utilize a new computer program
  • Provide wikipages to other 12th grade English classes

Student Artifact

Download Files


  • Hamlet vs Macbeth_Othello lesson plan
  • Hamlet_vs_Macbeth-Othello wiki directions
  • 9-Hamlet_vs_Othello-Macbeth_Student_Work_Samples

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