Painting with Light

Submitted by: Karen Allison Boyd
School: Hermitage High School


Students create photos using a technique called “light painting.” In complete darkness groups work together to create photos using various light sources. Some try to make drawings, others tell a story. All students create portraits using the various techniques and effects discovered. Collaboration and experimentation are heavily used and encouraged throughout the entire process. The final products created are photographs and videos that can be used school-wide, locally and globally.

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Approaching: Students research the work of several light painter such as Picasso, Chinese videographers, and various advertisers. Based upon their research and through numerous experimentation activities with a variety of light tools (flashlight, string lights, led light, etc.), students explore effects they can create with light painting. They use these light painting tools and strategies to create a new type of portrait.

Approaching: Students work in groups and each group creates norms for member roles and the light painting processes of the group. Students work together to discuss possible solutions and communicate with other groups to assist as needed. Students use class blogs and video sites to compile ideas for their art pieces and reflect on these ideas to derive meaning and structure for their light painting. They share their light painting artwork locally and globally through the Internet on social sites and personal blogs.

Approaching: Students determine an effect they want to create and then work together to do so. This involves multiple tries and different approaches to solving numerous problems with light paintint techniques. Their approach to problem solving leads to the discovery of a wide range of light painting effects. Students bring in other objects that can be used experimentally in the photos. If other objects and furniture are present, students assimilate those things into their pictures. (For example, a drum set and locker were present one day and students decided to find a way to incorporate these in their pictures.)

Ideal/Target: Students synthesize existing knowledge and their own innovative techniques to create original light paintings. Students use a blog to reflect on light painting procedures that made their work unique and procedures that they would change for future growth and greater innovation.

Download Files


  • Lesson Plan
  • Rubric
  • Videos of student work
  • PowerPoint of student pics

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