Maymont is for Exercise!

Submitted by: Julie Ballowe, Junius Myers, Gary Chilcoat
Collaborators: Tyra Pickering
School: Academy at Virginia Randolph


Students will research the benefits of walking on health. Students will document walking tours of Maymont Park at on different paths that allow different walking speeds. Students will create digital trips for Maymont Park using Google Earth that demonstrate the paths that can be taken and attractions that can be seen if a person wants to take a leisurely, moderate, or brisk walk through the park. These trips will then be presented to the Maymont board to be included on their website.

TIPC Ratings

Approaching: Students will research Maymont Park and its attractions. They will also learn how to use Google Earth as a means to share what they have learned. Because this project has a specific purpose, students must be limited in their research possibilities.

Approaching: Students will collaborate with teachers and teams to complete the project. They will need to seek out information from a variety of people in order to complete the project. Once the project is completed, students will need to meet with representatives to determine if sharing their tours online is possible.

Approaching: Students will need to find a variety of ways to get around the park. These paths need to cater to a variety of individuals who are at different levels of ability. Students will need to assess the path they originally planned and make changes as needed to keep with their initial group (leisurely, moderate, brisk)

Approaching: Students will create tours that can be used by anyone to plan a trip to Maymont. This process allows alternative students to experiment with new programs and create products that can be utilized by people who want to start a walking program or who just want to see what the park has to offer.

Student Artifact

Download Files


  • Lesson Plan
  • OneNote converted to pdf
  • Tour KMZ file

About Ann Marie Nash - Innovative Learning Coach Elko Middle School

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