Habitats Research Project

Submitted by: Amanda Holt
Collaborators: Anna Korman, Maggie Smith, Dawn Burriesci, Andrea Velle, Maripat Hyatt
School: Ward Elementary


Students will choose a habitat that interests them. Groups will be created based on student choice to study specific habitats. By collaborating with the librarian, the homeroom teacher will take the students to the library for research. Students will have access to several resources from which to gather their information. Information gathered will be recorded on a research guide for later use. A final written product of the students’ choice will be created and approved. Students will collaborate within their groups to choose relevant information from their research to create the final written product and “movie.” The art teacher will assist students in digitally illustrating the habitat they researched. Students will record their voices reading their final written product, include transitions and effects, and compile a “movie” created in Pixie. Students will share their movie with fellow classmates as a review.

TIPC Ratings

Developing: Students uses research guide provided by teacher to retrieve information using various sources.

Approaching: Students work in self-selected groups based on interest and organize roles to address an authentic task.

Approaching: Students apply digital tools to think critically and solve open-ended authentic tasks that require higher order thinking skills.

Approaching: Students create meaningful, original work within the assignment parameters.

Student Artifact

Download Files


  • Lesson Plan
  • Student Sample Rainforest Habitat
  • Student Sample Ocean Habitat

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