Submitted by: Lara Hill and Tom Applegate
School: Baker
Students will locate and record facts about specific habitats and categorize the information using literature from the library in the content area. Students will work as a team to complete the question research sheet based on the habitat chosen. Students will organize raw data into sentence form using the teacher created sentence organization sheet. Students will work as a team to edit and compile sentences made onto chart tablet. Students will transfer the completed sentences from chart tablet into Pixie using captions and pictures. Students will create their habitat in Pixie only using pictures and record their sentences onto their own slide.
TIPC Ratings
Developing: Students worked collaboratively to research animals and their habitats from a variety of print and non-print resources.
Developing: Students shared their research products with their peers in their classroom. They worked in teams created by their teachers.
Developing: Students used teacher made worksheets to guide their research and creation of product.
Approaching: Students worked collaboratively to apply their research in an original Pixie document with teacher defined requirements for the specified audience.