GIVE: Get Involved, Volunteer Every year

Submitted by: Sherry Edwards
Collaborators: Katie Grootegoed, Rosemary Wheeler
School: Douglas Freeman High School


In our community, more than 100 agencies/organizations are actively engaged in promoting happier, healthier and more productive citizens. Volunteerism is a major component for the success of these organizations. Increasing participation within the teen population is the focus of this activity. Each student group selected a local service organization and researched its function and its history by accessing national and local websites. Current volunteer activities of the organization were highlighted. Using this information as a guide, the group created an innovative activity designed to increase peer participation in its organization. The group presented its activity to the class.

TIPC Ratings

Developing: Students used basic search tools to acquire information. The research and acquisition of information was in direct response to the rubric and objectives of the assignment. They evaluated the information and accuracy based on prior knowledge of the agency.

Approaching: Students chose groups and roles within the groups. They communicated and collaborated during classtime on authentic tasks. There was little direct supervision for these groups as they were engaged with the task. The communication went beyond the classroom walls as a means to collect information.

Approaching: Students engaged in challenges and problems purposefully. They generated the issues that need to be addressed and worked to solve these authentic tasks. Through the presentations, students justified their decisions and their community service projects. They generated a fundraiser based on an authentic need in the community.

Approaching: Students confronted authentic tasks and constructed novel approaches for solutions to these problems. The teacher provided certain parameters within which they must function, the students were allowed the freedom to choose what organization they desire to assist; they were allowed to determine how and what information they required to complete the assignment; they were allowed to develop a program for increasing peer group participation in that organization. They were allowed to determine what format they used to present their program to their classmates. Finally, they were empowered to institute their program within their school or within their community.

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