Submitted by: Brennan Maynard
Collaborators: Katie Kier
School: Academy at Virginia Randolph
Students will pick an issue that will affect the world in the 21st Century. Students will research the issue, create a presentation on that issue, present it to their classmates, and finally participate in a discussion board regarding their projects.
TIPC Ratings
Approaching: Students were allowed to choose any research and information to use in their project. They were given certain key terms to guide their learning but they were allowed to interpret their data as they saw fit. Students utilized some resources such as that they were unfamiliar with which required them to adapt.
Developing: Students worked within the classroom and collaborated with peers in an on-line message board to better understand and answer the questions in their project.
Approaching: Students worked in pairs to collaborate on creating a product. They were given the choice between multiple ways to deliver the product. Students were required to choose the one that best suited them. They were also required to reflect on their research in order to answer open-ended real world problems which will face them in the 21st century.
Approaching: Students applied critical thinking and research methods to create work containing elements of originality and teacher-defined requirements, in the case of this lesson students were allowed total creative control over their product yet they were given some basic structure to work with. Students worked collaboratively to produce artifacts that offer solutions to issues in the 21st Century. Students created products that have value for a specified audience specifically themselves and Americans as a whole.