KES Recycles

We are excited to announce that Kaechele will begin collecting recycled materials for our students to use when building and creating. This is a great way for us to reduce, reuse, and recycle! Each grade level will be in charge of a different item to bring in. If you have that particular item, please make sure it is clean before having your child bring it to school and drop it in the labeled bin located on each hallway. Please see the list below.Pre-K- Plastic bottle topsKindergarten- empty paper towel rollsFirst grade- empty toilet paper rollsSecond grade- Empty water bottlesThird grade- Egg cartonsFourth grade- string/ ribbon/ yarnFifth grade- Broken down small card board boxes (cereal boxes, cracker boxes, etc.)We will start our collection on Tuesday October 13th! Thank you for helping contribute to materials for our students to use and keeping Kaechele “Green”!

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