Cub Club!

CTES Cub Club Donations and PTA Membership Form 2017-2018

PTA Calendar

2017-2018 CTES PTA Calendar
(Calendar is not inclusive of all CTES events)
8/31 —Open House
9/5 First Day of School
9/11 —Board Meeting (6:30 pm in the Library)
9/15 —Principal’s Coffee for new families (8:30 am in the Library)
9/19 Spirit Night: Plaza Azteca (All Day: Must mention CTES)
9/21 Student Half Day
9/25 —Room Parent Volunteer Meeting Night (6:30 pm in the Library)
9/28 —Back to School Night (6:00-7:30 pm)
—General Membership Meeting (Budget Approval)
9/29 —Room Parent Volunteer Meeting Day (8:30 am in the Library)
*Room parents only need to attend one meeting (night or day)
10/2 —Board Meeting (6:30 pm in the Library)
10/9 Student Half Day
10/13 —Muffins with Moms (7:30 am in the Cafeteria)
10/17 Spirit Night: Zaxby’s (3:00 to 7:00 PM)
*10/TBD BOOK FAIR (CTES Library)
10/27 —Monster Mash (6:00-8:00 pm)
11/7 Student Holiday / Planning Day – School Closed (Election Day)
11/10 Veteran’s Day Assembly (9:00 AM)
3rd Grade Performance
11/13 —Board Meeting (6:30 pm in the Library)
11/15 Education Support Professionals Day
11/17 —Doughnuts with Dads (7:30 am in the Cafeteria)
11/14 Spirit Night: Burgerworks (4:00 to 9:00 PM)
11/21 Turkey Court (school day event)
11/22-24 Thanksgiving Break – School Closed
*12/TBD Spirit Night: West Broad Village Iceskating Rink (5:00-9:00 pm)
12/5 Spirit Night: Chipotle (All Day: Must show CTES flier)
12/11 Teacher Cookie Exchange (families send in goodies for teachers)
12/11 —Board Meeting (6:30 pm in the Library)
*12/TBD 5th Grade Performance 7:00 pm
—General PTA Meeting (6:30) (12/12 or 14)
12/18-1/1 Winter Break – School Closed
*1/ -1/ TBD Papa John’s Value Cards Fundraiser
1/2 School Reopens
1/8 —Board Meeting (6:30 pm in the Library)
1/9 Spirit Night: Panda Express (All Day: Must show CTES flier)
*1/TBD 1st Grade Performance (6:30-8:00 PM)
International Night (Social Studies Presentations)
—General Membership Meeting
1/15 Martin Luther King Holiday – School Closed
1/29 Student Holiday / Planning Day – School Closed
2/5 National School Counseling Week
2/5 Spirit Night: Lejha (11:30 AM- 2:30 PM and 5:00 to 10 PM – Mention CTES)
2/9 —Family Formal Sweetheart Dance (6:00-8:00 pm)
2/12 —Board Meeting (6:30 pm in the Library)
2/19 Student Holiday / Planning Day – School Closed (Presidents’ Day)
MARCH (Music in Our Schools Month & Youth Art Month)
3/1 Student Half Day
3/12 —Board Meeting (6:30pm Library)
3/13 Spirit Night: California Pizza Kitchen (All Day: Must mention CTES)
*3/TBD 2nd Grade Performance (6:30-8:00)
Spring Art Show
—Gen. Membership Meeting (6:30) (TBD: T/Th-last 2 Wks of March)
APRIL (School Library Media Month)
4/2-6 Spring Break – School Closed
4/9 —Board Meeting (6:30 pm in the Library)
*4/TBD Spirit Night:
*4/TBD —Bingo for Books (6:30 pm) OR Bricks for Kids
4/16 Student Half Day
4/19 —Kindergarten Registration
4/25 Administrative Professionals Day
*4/TBD Career Day (school day event)
MAY (National Physical Fitness & Sports Month)
5/1 —Principal’s Day
5/7-11 —Teacher Appreciation Week (families participate all week long to honor
our teachers)
5/9 National School Nurses Day
5/14 —Board Meeting (6:30 pm in the Library)
*5/TBD Spirit Night: ACAC Free Family Fitness Night
*5/TBD 4th Grade Recorder Concert (school day event 1:45 pm) (FRI 4/27,5/4, 5/11)
5/28 Memorial Day Holiday – School Closed
6/4 —Board Meeting (6:30 pm in the Library)
6/8 —Cub Celebration (4:30-7:00 pm and STEAM Night 5:00-6:00 pm)
6/12 Kindergarten Graduation (school day event)
6/14 5th Grade Celebration (school day event)
6/15 Last Day of School – Half Day
TBD —Cubs Night In – Parents Night Out! (School Fundraiser for CTES)
TBD —Brick for Kids
TBD —Papa John’s Pizza Cards (January)
TBD —Field Day (LeClair)
TBD —In School Assembly (Skate Board Science)

Welcome Back!!

Hello and welcome parents!

We had a good first week back and your children are all adjusting back to ‘school mode’ quite well! I’ve been having some issues with email, so if you know a parent is missing this message please let me know. Below is the news for this week:


-Classroom Dojo- used for behavior, if you did not receive an email invitation to join (it’s digital) please let me know!

-Homework- please see attached, homework will be the same every week unless noted

-Art shirt- if you would like to send in an old t-shirt for your child to wear to art, please do so!



Our Weekly Focus:: 

Social Studies- Citizenship

Math- Ordinal Numbers, basic Addition and Subtraction

Reading- focusing on Daily 5 routines and assessing for reading groups


I’m looking forward to an exciting year!!


Ms. Willis

Week of 6/5/17

Hi parents! Although homework has officially ‘ended’ for the year please make sure you are encouraging your child to to read/practice math facts nightly; this makes a HUGE difference in their retention and growth for next year! Please check out below for our second to last week of school, and pop on over to our Photos tab for some Field Day pictures!

Here’s what we’re working on next week::

  • Language Arts: Chocolate Fever novel study
  • Math: Multiplication, STEM Projects
  • Social Studies: Economics- test Tuesday

This Week

  • Tuesday- Economics Test
  • Friday- STEM Night and Cub Celebration, 5-8pm


Coming Up!

  • Friday, June 16- Last day of school! ***Half Day***


Bonus Question:: What is opportunity cost?


Hi parents! As the year is winding down, we will be eliminating the Homework Choice Boards going forward. Each school night, please choose one of the following choices below and spend 20 minute on the activity:


-reading from a book

-RAZ Kids


-practice addition and subtraction facts up to 20

Week of 5/30/17

Here’s what we’re starting on next week::

  • Language Arts: Chocolate Fever novel study
  • Math: Arrays
  • Social Studies: Economics

This Week

  • Monday- Memorial Day- NO SCHOOL!
  • Friday- Field Day!  Scholastic Orders due

Coming Up!

  • Friday, June 9- STEM Night and Cub Celebration

*Bonus Question:: What is the difference between a need and a want?

Week of 5/22/17

Here’s what we’re starting on next week::

  • Language Arts: Poetry, LAST WEEK OF WORD STUDY!!
  • Math: Arrays
  • Social Studies: Economics

This Week

  • Monday/Tuesday: Math HATS test- first in the morning please don’t be late!!
  • Thursday- QUIZ on Types of Resources
  • Friday: 10th Anniversary Photo- wear blue in green

Coming Up!

  • Monday, May 29- Memorial Day- NO SCHOOL!
  • Friday, June 2- Field Day!
  • Friday, June 9- STEM Night and Cub Celebration


*Bonus Question:: How many days of school do we have left? Show your work on a piece of paper!

Week of 5/15/17

Here’s what we’re starting on next week::

  • Language Arts: Review for MAPs, Parts of Speech
  • Math: Measurement (Test Wednesday), Review for MAPs
  • Social Studies: Economics

This Week

  • Wednesday: Measurement Test
  • Thursday/Friday: Reading HATS test- first in the morning please don’t be late!!

Coming Up!

  • Monday, May 22/Tuesday, May 23- Math HATS test
  • Friday, May 26- 10th Anniversary Photo- wear blue in green
  • Monday, May 29- Memorial Day- NO SCHOOL!


*Bonus Question:: Write 2 sentences using different meanings of the word bark.

Week of 5/8/17

Here’s what we’re starting on next week::

  • Language Arts: Multiple Meaning Words, review for MAPS
  • Math: Measurement


This Week

  • Tuesday: Go Nuts for Reading! (5:30pm at the Diamond)

CTES Blood Drive 3:30-7:00

  • Friday- Poetry Projects due!


Coming Up!

  • Thursday, May 18/Friday, May 19- Reading HATS test
  • Monday, May 22/Tuesday, May 23- Math HATS test


*Bonus Question:: What do you like to do on a rainy day? Tell me in 2-3 sentences.

Update! CTES 10th Birthday picture change


10th Birthday School Photo Rescheduled

We don’t want it to rain on our celebration!  Due to the weather forecast, we will postpone our school photograph until Friday, May 26th.  For this photo we want the whole school dressed in school colors.  Please be sure to wear a blue or green shirt on this day.       Thanks!

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