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Author Archives: smwillis

Week of 11/18

Please remember Monday is a HALF DAY! Enjoy your weekend 🙂  Here’s our plan for the week::


Math– Multiplication/Division Test Monday, Measurement- Length

Reading– Questioning- Nonfiction

Writing– Prefixes and Suffixes; Opinion writing

Social Studies– Ancient Egypt, Vocabulary Quiz 11/21


Important Dates:

  • Monday, November 18th- Half Day for students!
  • Wednesday, November 20- Report Cards go home
  • Friday, November 22- Virginia Repertory Theater performance at CTES (in-school assembly)

Looking Ahead…

  • November 27-29- Thanksgiving Holiday, no school
  • Wednesday, December 4- Make-up Pictures
  • Friday, December 6- Young Scientists
    • Cubs Night In 5:45-8:30- I hope to see you there!
  • Monday, December 9- Student Half Day
  • December 23-January 3- Winter Break, no school


Week of 11/11

It was a pleasure seeing so many of you for parent teacher conferences this week; thank you for your dedication and support of your child’s success.! Here’s our plan for the week::


Math– Representations of Multiplication and Division

Reading– Questioning

Writing– Students are working on writing their own stories to illustrate theme, I can’t wait to share these with you!

Social Studies– Ancient China, Vocabulary Quiz Part 2 11/13, Quiz (All of Ancient China) 11/15


Important Dates:

  • Monday, November 11th- Veteran’s Day Assembly 9:00-9:45 (3rd Grade Performance- please come and see your child honor our veterans!)

Looking Ahead…

  • Wednesday, November 20- Report Cards go home
  • Friday, November 22- Virginia Repertory Theater performance at CTES (in-school assembly)
  • November 27-29- Thanksgiving Holiday, no school
  • Wednesday, December 4- Make-up Pictures
  • Friday, December 6- Young Scientists
    • Cubs Night In 5:45-8:30- More information forthcoming, I hope to see you there!
  • Monday, December 9- Student Half Day
  • December 23-January 3- Winter Break, no school


Week of 11/4

Thank you to our wonderful chaperones for helping make this a successful first field trip, everyone had so much fun! Here’s our plan for the week::


Math– Introduction to Multiplication

Reading– Theme

Social Studies– Continents and Oceans, Quiz 11/4 (this will be open note), Ancient China, Vocabulary Quiz 11/8


Important Dates:

  • Monday, November 4th- End of Q1
  • Tuesday, November 5th- Student Holiday

Looking Ahead…

  • Monday, November 11th- Veteran’s Day Assembly (3rd Grade Performance)
  • Wednesday, November 20- Report Cards go home
  • November 27-29- Thanksgiving Holiday, no school


Week of 10/28

Hello parents, it was wonderful to see so many faces at our Fall Picnic on Thursday night. Here’s the plan for the last week of Q1 (wow, it’s here already!):


Math– Equality, Pumpkin Math Day (Thursday)

Reading– Comparing and Contrasting Fictional Text

Social Studies– Continents and Oceans, Quiz 11/4


Important Dates:

  • Monday, October 28th– Student ½ day
  • Thursday, October 31st- Pumpkin Math Day
  • Friday, November 1st- Field Trip: Tredgar River Walks- bring bagged lunch

Looking Ahead…

  • Monday, November 4th- End of Q1
  • Tuesday, November 5th- Student Holiday
  • Monday, November 11th- Veteran’s Day Assembly (3rd Grade Performance)
  • Wednesday,October 20- Report Cards go home
  • November 27-29- Thanksgiving Holiday, no school


Week of 10/21

Happy Fall Weekend! Please see below what we’ll be studying this week.



Reading– Marking Predictions, Articles, Commas in a series

Science- Ecosystems, Test Wednesday

Social Studies– Continents and Oceans


Important Dates:

  • Tuesday, October 22nd- Mix It Up at Lunch Day
  • Thursday, October 24th– Fall Family Picnic at CTES


Looking Ahead…

  • Monday, October 28th– Student ½ day
  • Thursday, October 31st- Pumpkin Math!
  • Friday, November 1st- Field Trip: Tredgar River Walks
  • Monday, November 4th- End of Q1
  • Tuesday, November 5th- Student Holiday
  • Monday, November 11th- Veteran’s Day Assembly (3rd Grade Performance)
  • Wednesday,October 20- Report Cards go home
  • November 27-29- Thanksgiving Holiday, no school


Habitat Game




Week of 10/15

I hope you are enjoying your long weekend with your student!- please see below what we’ll be studying this week.


MathEstimation, Quiz on 10/18

Reading– Story Elements, long “o” sounds

Science- Ecosystems


Important Dates:

  • Monday, October 14th– Student Holiday


Looking Ahead…

  • Thursday, October 24th– Fall Family Picnic at CTES; details coming soon
  • Monday, October 28th– Student ½ day
  • Thursday, October 31st- Pumpkin Math!
  • Friday, November 1st- Field Trip: Tredgar River Walks
  • Monday, November 4th- End of Q1
  • Tuesday, November 5th- Student Holiday


Week of 10/7

Happy October parents- I am looking forward to cooler temperatures and fall fun. Please see below what we’ll be studying this week; have a great weekend!


MathPlace Value, Rounding, Test on 10/9

Reading– Author’s Purpose

Science- Animal Interdependence


Important Dates:

  • Thursday, October 10th- Donuts with Dear Ones, 7:30-8:00 a.m.
  • Friday, October 11th– Picture Day!

Looking Ahead…

  • Monday, October 14th– Student Holiday
  • Thursday, October 24th– Fall Family Picnic at CTES; details coming soon
  • Monday, October 28th– Student ½ day

SCA Elections

Wow- we had such great candidates for our SCA Class Election. Each of these students worked hard to prepare a speech and I am proud of their confidence and effort. It was a close race but I am excited to announce that this year’s representative for our class will be Saanvi Bejugam. Congrats Saanvi and all of those who ran for the election!


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