March 13

Dear Families,

Starting Monday, March 16, Henrico County Public Schools will be closed for students for two full weeks of school (through Friday, March 27). Henrico County Public Schools will continue to assess the situation and decide later if we need to extend this period of closure. You will be notified as soon as possible of all changes.

Coming home in folders today we are including a Distance Learning Packet. Please complete this packet with your child over the next two-weeks. Any students that complete the assignments and return the packet when school reopens will earn TWO trips to the treasure chest!

Students also checked out additional library books today to use with their packet activities and have extra reading materials. Also, students will bring home some supplies and a few blank sheets of white copy paper.  Please return the scissors when we return to school.  MobyMax and RAZ Kids continue to be available online resources that can help create a familiar classroom routine of learning while at home.

Every Kindergarten teacher reviewed the packet and expectations of its completion with students today. The packet contains four (4) assignments:

  • What’s the Weather? : Students will have FUN observing, investigating, and tracking the weather. Students will observe and identify daily weather conditions (sunny, rainy, cloudy, snowy, windy, warm, hot, cool, and cold); predict daily weather based on basic observable conditions (watch/check the weather forecast if possible); and, chart daily weather conditions.
  • Choice Board: These engaging family activities will help students continue actively learning in Reading/Writing, Math, Science, and Social Studies while giving them an opportunity to choose their own learning experience.
  • Reading, Language Arts, and Writing: Again, students are able to choose activities that help them stay in a routine of reviewing solid and rigorous literacy skills. The charts and worksheets needed to complete some of the activities are included in the packet.
  • Math: Along with a 120 Chart, Ten Frames, and Digit Cards (the digit cards will need to be cut apart for some of the activities), students can cover many areas of number sense development by selecting activities that will help them practice and strengthen skills we have been working on in class.


We hope your family will use these two weeks to really dive into learning with your child. Enjoy this time together and make it fun! Take care of yourselves during this unpredictable time. We wish you exceptional health, positive learning experiences, and great family memories.

The Kindergarten Team





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