Teacher Resources

Some Teacher Resources for Geometry (Mostly)

Henrico County Public Schools Math Resources

Huge page of links

Warning: Some of these sites may abuse notation or use diagrams or definitions that you probably wouldn’t be caught dead teaching your students. Lines may be curvy or straight, or dotted, etc… Angles may be equal and measures may be congruent. You might want to encourage your students to identify such abuses. Many of these sites are at least clearer than our Glencoe textbook from 1998: check out the illustration for the Pythagorean Theorem on page 399 and the definitions in the glossary for “contrapositive” (accurate, but…) and “if and only if” (???).

    1. http://www.dgelman.com/powerpoints/#FUNCTIONS
    2. http://dragonometry.net/algebra/algebra_holt_presentations.php Holt Algebra 2

Henrico County Public Schools Math Resources

Huge page of links