School Counseling News you can Use

Welcome back to all students and parents. 2019-20 is going to be an awesome year here at KES. I am looking forward to teaching in all classrooms this year once a month. September’s lesson themes support respecting differences and diversity. In addition,  I will be using our new Standford Harmony social-emotional resources to incorporate buddy up and class meet up opportunities to create inclusive environments within our classrooms.

September small group sessions are one of my favorite times as our new students and mentors share lunch together to celebrate our new coyotes here to KES. I appreciate the time and effort our mentors have invested in helping our new coyotes learn about Kacehele. This year we are fortunate to have approximately 45 new to Kacehele students grades 1-5.

Other News you can use… in grade 5 the application process will begin for next year’s Moody IB program. I will be holding a grade 5 information session for all 5th graders during the week of September 16th and students or parents may check out an application from me beginning September 18th. See this pdf for the details and process of applying to Moody IB program.

2019-2020 IB Time Line MS – REVISED FINAL

2b 2019 Moody Open House

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